Friday, February 25, 2011

Old OPI, and a garden visitor

OPI~Can't Help Falling In Love; pinky = Sahara Sapphire
A couple of years ago (when I was still living at the Gold Coast) I happened upon in a local chemist a selection of OPI bottles going for $5 each!! I picked out 3 colours intending to come back the next day and buy the reamining colors but by then they were sold out :(  They are the old formula all chocked full of the nasties but they're still pretty..  Can't Help Falling In Love has been my go to bright pink ever since I bought it, it's non streaky, shimmery high voltage pink.. which makes it rather hard to "capture".. The other two colours I bought at the time were Purple-opolis and My Throne for a Cranberry Scone.. Sahara Sapphire I bought on eBay last year it is a super pretty colour, but streaks like a drunk guy at college.. takes forever to finally of those purchases I almost regret making..

Bearded Dragon
One of the smaller wild backyard dragons..  occasionally one sees them waving to each other.. not sure what this behaviour means but it's adorable!

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